September 21, 2023

Discover a unique photo exhibition that presents the realities of war and occupation through the lens of Makariv residents

Join us for the exhibition's grand presentation on October 4th at noon, at 'Ol’via' cinema in Makariv. This is an opportunity to witness the occupation's harsh realities from a first-person perspective through a collection of photographs that have never been showcased before.

Additionally, the opening will feature the screening of four short films dedicated to the struggles and experiences during the occupation and battles for Makariv. The selection includes:

- 'War Maps: How the Ukrainian Armed Forces Forced the Russians to Flee from Kyiv Region – The Battle for Makariv.' A film supported by the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, General Valeriy Zaluzhny, and the Center for Military History Research of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. It highlights Makariv's role in defending Kyiv.

- 'The Fortress – Makariv.' A premiere of the short film by Serhiy Shkryba showcasing Makariv during the 2022 military actions and the consequences of russian actions.

- 'They Defended Makariv.' A documentary by Yuriy Varenyk that captures the faces of Makariv's defenders.

The screening will last up to 1 hour, and admission is free.

What's Next?

On October 6, the exhibition will be relocated to the Horodysche of Panskyi Park and will serve as a temporary exhibition at the Local History Museum. You can visit the exhibition and join a dedicated tour from October 6 to October 10. Afterward, '33 Days' will embark on a tour with the Makariv community.

We are proud to have partners like the Center for Military History Research of the Armed Forces of Ukraine General Staff, Tikkurila company, and the 'Public Platform' initiative and media partner MKV news agency to support us.