July 27, 2023

The first meetings to create a vision for Panskyі Park have taken place

On Tuesday, July 25th, we held a series of exciting vision creation workshops aimed at shaping the future of Panskyі Park together with residents of the Makariv community. The workshops were divided into two sessions: one for the young residents of Makariv and another for the adult members of the community. Below, we'll give you a detailed account of how it all went and share some photos.

Children's Adventure

The children's workshop was led by the talented Alexandra Savchenko, a teacher and art educator with many years of experience. She is also a co-founder of the teen editorial team "Bez_probiliv (Without_spaces)." Over twenty children from the local community participated in this workshop. They focused on envisioning the ideal city and discussed the roles of citizens in shaping their city. It was a lively session, and the children came up with various ideas. They came up with a wide range of exciting suggestions, from adding rock climbing walls and trampolines to installing statues of two protective knights at the park's entrance. Their enthusiasm was infectious, and we were thrilled to see how much they cared about making their community a better place.

We'll highlight how the children's vision will impact the location in following publications.

Vision Creation Workshop

The adult workshop was equally exciting, with participants from all walks of life coming together to share their ideas on how to improve the park. The workshop was moderated by Yuriy Granovskyі, co-founder of organizations namely "Change Agents," "Public Platform," Peremebli, a facilitator, and urbanist. Among the participants were local business owners, representatives of various associations, and active community members. The youngest participant was 16 years old, and she dreamed of popularizing the history and culture of Makariv.

We are currently in the process of compiling all the materials produced during the workshops into a shared vision for the park. This shared vision will be made available on our website and distributed through social media, so be sure to stay tuned for updates.

Over the course of three hours, we identified key principles for working on the park, including nature preservation, inclusivity, historical memory preservation, interactivity, and tourist appeal. We worked in groups to generate three development options for each of the possible zones, and the results were truly inspiring.

Overall, these workshops were just the first in a series, and we are excited to continue working with the community to make Panskyі Park a truly special place.

We hope that you will join us in this journey!