September 7, 2023

How Pankyi Park Will Evolve: Preserving Nature and Historical Memory

Pankyi Park, a significant green space within the community, has immense potential and cultural-historical importance. However, it is currently underdeveloped and marginalized. The Nashe Place project aims to revitalize certain parts of the park to its fullest potential. To do this effectively, the team has worked on zoning the entire area.

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In May 2023, the Nashe Place team first encountered Pankyi Park and Horodysche and were immediately enamored. Despite seeming to be unpopular among locals, the park has the potential to become a key hub of life for the people of Makariv and attract tourists from Kyiv and all of Ukraine.

Further exploration of the area added depth to it in every possible dimension. The park's Horodysche is an archaeological monument dating back to the times of Kyivan Rus and therefore works well for conservation and restoration. The team also discovered the need to make it the center of cultural leisure and inclusive leisure activities for families. Representatives of the veterans' movement aimed to use it for rehabilitation and socialization. It became evident that all these interested parties needed to come together in one place to arrive at a shared vision for Pankyi Park. 

The Nashe Place team used a variety of methods to engage and gather thoughts from local communities to create a comprehensive document for the development of Pankyi Park.

Engaging the Wider Public

Andrii Batin, a designer and urbanist, and Yuriy Hranovskiy, a facilitator and urbanist, together developed two multifunctional structures. The first was an entrance stand that introduced park visitors to the project, invited them to Horodysche, and allowed them to express their opinions on the park's future. The second, stylish banners on an iron cube, invited those who visited Horodysche to vote on specific architectural decisions and share their perspectives.

Cleanup Event (Toloka)

One of the major events was the cleanup event, which aimed to draw attention to the beauty of the place and teach people to appreciate and protect its unique nature. Participants had the opportunity to discuss potential scenarios for use after the cleanup, and the event was organized by Andrii Batin and Serhii Khara.

More about the event →

Vision Workshop

The Vision Workshop was a very intensive event designed to discuss all possible development scenarios for the park, listen to each other, and reach a certain consensus. As a result, three park projects formed the basis of the existing document. Yuriy Hranovskiy was responsible for facilitating and organizing the event, while Marina Bakaenko organized it.

More about the event →

Activities for Children

The team organized a series of two events for children to explore Pankyi Park playfully. Young residents of Makariv marked important zones and main users, and came up with interesting areas and architectural forms. The curator for these events was Oleksandra Savchenko.

In-Depth Interviews

The Nashe Place team conducted several in-depth interviews with key park users, including local business owners, activists, and government representatives.

During the data collection process, the team arrived at five key principles and identified eight main zones in the park. The principles that all future renovation projects within the park should adhere to include preserving nature, historical memory, informativeness and interactivity of the space, inclusivity, and tourist attractiveness. The zoning of the park serves as the starting point for all subsequent transformations, and at the same time, an invitation to potential partners to participate in the implementation of the vision and support future Pankyi Park development projects.

Plan-scheme of Panskyi Park

Here is the zoning of the park: 


The company RDS initiated and funded the pilot project to renovate Horodysche and the embankment, which are parts of a large and complex whole. To develop a high-quality architectural project for partial renovation, the team decided to create a shared vision for the development of the entire Pankyi Park. This master plan is the starting point for all subsequent transformations, and at the same time, an invitation to potential partners to participate in the implementation of the vision and support future Pankyi Park development projects.

You can view the full file here →

Veterans' house